Thursday, November 21, 2019

Paper 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Paper 1 - Essay Example The following essay looks at Cuneiform scripts, what it says about the culture, how it is important to the culture and its relation to the textbook. The cuneiform scripts were a witness to one of the world’s oldest literate cultures. For over a three millennia period, it was the vehicle of communication in the great Mesopotamia region. The development of cuneiform scripts in the Mesopotamian culture can be traced back to the changes that were taking place during the Uruk period. Such changes led to an increase in the size of cities and towns which led to an increase in population centers around the south of the region. The increase in one region led to massive surpluses in resources that led to the need for a centralized government to organize labor and manage the surpluses in resources. The form of authority recognized at that particular period included temple that began to appear. There was a considerable development increase in temple sizes highlighting the resources that were in surplus supply (Tignor et al. 52). The temples increased in both number and size in towns with high population sizes to signify a centralized form of authority. The rise of the economic status in terms of wealth and personal property of the population in the Mesopotamia region led to a stratified society. The nature is shown by the bevel-rimmed bowls which were produced in mass. The ownership of cylinder seals indicated not only wealth, but they also acted as a symbol of authority (Tignor et al. 55). The cylinders contained various markings and, therefore, this led to the development of writing in pictograms. As the pictograms continue, scripts were developing, and its use evolves. Through the Mesopotamian evolving lifestyle, economic status, the need for a centralized authority, cuneiform form of writing and the script develops. The cuneiform, therefore, shows an increasingly rich population, a culture in need of

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