Sunday, December 22, 2019

Differences Between Heart Of Darkness And The Poisonwood...

Imagine a man suddenly cast into a world he never could have dreamed of. He would be shocked by the unfamiliarity all around him, from the people to the plants, and confused of what to do. A man cut off from what he knows is only left with two options, either to reject his new circumstances, or find a way to assimilate to his new society. This man will either try to find a way to return back to his world, or find a way to adjust his life to his surroundings. Throughout history separate cultures have collided, and with each collision they have either melded together or rejected each other.The Heart of Darkness and The Poisonwood Bible both portray how although every individual can react differently, when faced with the collision of two†¦show more content†¦In contrast Marlow only goes as far to recognize a â€Å"kinship† with the natives, yet states the thought of this was â€Å"ugly† to recognize it (Conrad 62). Although both Marlow and Ruth May initially share their racist beliefs, they end up choosing different ways to fit into Congolese life. Marlow rejects adaptation because he beliefs it will take him away from being civilized, and Ruth May attempts to fit in. Their difference portrays how the choice to accept a new culture or deny it, does not come from societal beliefs, but rather how each choice contributes to the individual’s needs and wants. Although both novels portray individuals learning to assimilate into Congolese society, they way they conduct their fusion of cultures are vastly different. Although individuals may choose to adapt to their surroundings, rather than to reject them, there are various degrees to their change. Leah, upon exposure to the Congolese, the racism in Leopold, and Lumumba trying to make the Congo â€Å"the heart of light†, she began to respect and view the Congo as a place where individuals fought for their freedoms (Kingsolver 184). She took her place in Congolese culture, as she wished to support Anatole on his endeavors to help the Congolese come closer to freedom. In stark contrast, Kurtz found his way to assimilate into Congolese society by taking on the role of a â€Å"deity† where his words were the law (Conrad 88). Both charactersShow MoreRelatedChristian Missionaries Essay1240 Words   |  5 Pagesdoes in The Poisonwood Bible, was and is not possible. With a conversion of faith comes an adoption of customs, morals, lifestyles, and even political views. Even though young Leah Price says that the Word of God weighed nothing, it was actually the heaviest burden the Price family carried with them on their journey. Every missionary who has brought the Word of God to the Congo region has been faced with many more challenges than they could have ever imagined. The Poisonwood Bible provides aRead More The Poisonwood Bible as a Catalog of Romanticism Essay3776 Words   |  16 PagesThe Poisonwood Bible as a Catalog of Romanticism      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In The Poisonwood Bible, by Barbara Kingsolver, the romantic standards that are associated with literature during the American Renaissance are evident. This popular novel, a New York Times Bestseller, embodies the concept of Romanticism with its gothic darkness, themes of loss and nostalgia, and a strong captivity narrative. The presence of a wise child and recurring double language are essential to the plot of the story. Nathan Prices

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Genre Analysis Free Essays

Genre Analysis The musical film has always held a special place for me. From my time as a drama student in high school, my eyes have been opened to the amazing world of the musical and especially the musical film. The musical film is a film genre in which the characters sing songs that are integrated into the overall story. We will write a custom essay sample on Genre Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now Since musicals first began in theaters, musical films usually contain similar elements. These elements often simulate that there is a live audience watching. In a sense, the film viewers become the audience members, at a theater production, as the actor performs directly to them. Due to the popularity of musicals in the theater, the style was quickly brought over into film. In 1927, the musical film genre began with the accompaniment of the first film talkie, The Jazz Singer. While popularity for this genre has fluctuated over the years, it nevertheless has succeeded in becoming a staple in films. Throughout this paper, I will explore what is a film in the musical genre and why it has such a lasting effect through the examination of three considered, classic musical films of their eras. The three films that will be examined are Singin’ in the Rain, Grease, and Rent. These three movies are considered some of the top musicals of their time. Singin’ in the Rain is a 1952 musical comedy film starring Gene Kelly, Donald O’Connor and Debbie Reynolds. This film is a comic portrayal of Hollywood’s transition from silent films to talkies in the late 1920s. It is now frequently described by critics as one of the best musicals ever, and it continually tops on the AFI’s 100 Years of Musicals list. Next, Grease is a 1978 musical film starring John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John as two students in a 1950s high school. This is a story of the trials and tribulations of the teenagers are that era. Grease was considered as one of the best films of 1978. Lastly, Rent is a 2005 musical drama film about the depictions of the lives of several Bohemians squatting in the East Village of New York City from 1989 to 1990 and their struggles with sexual preference, drugs, and AIDS. The film was nominated for a number of awards, including a GLAAD Media Award for Best Picture Musical/Comedy. They may seem quite different on the surface; however, the similarities they do have in common are mainly due to the genre they share. This is shown by the use of music, production design, and film techniques. The use of music is a key to determining if a film is in the musical genre. Not only are songs used to further the story along in a musical, but they also have the ability to put the audience in the emotional state of the character singing. Song has always been used as a good conductor for emotional understanding. For example, during the song â€Å"You Were Meant for Me† in Singin’ in the Rain, Don Lockwood is able to confess his love to Kathy Selden in a way that feels magical and shows a connection between the two would be lovers. Also, the song â€Å"There Are Worse Things I Could Do† in Grease is able to betray the emotional depth of the character Rizzo’s fear, shame, and anger. At the time this film came out, topics such as teen pregnancy were not generally presented in films. By having this character sing her issue, the audiences, who may have dismissed her outright for her actions, are able to sympathize with her plight. Moreover, in Rent, the song â€Å"I’ll Cover You† by Angel and Collins allow the viewer to get caught up in this young couple’s relationship without having to worry or even consider that this is a gay couple. Therefore, it is obvious that the power of song is one of greatest attributes that the musical genre has to offer. Music has a tendency to touch a person more than mere words, which might be the reason why musicals do, too. Another item that films in the musical genre share in common is production design. Production design is the creation and organization of the physical world surrounding a film by the use of lighting, staging, and set design. Musicals share many similarities in their production design. For instance, many musicals from the past and present use elaborate production numbers. A production number is a specialty routine, usually performed by the entire cast consisting of musicians, singers, and dancers of a musical with the use of grand set pieces. All the films being discussed here have, at least, one production number in them. Singin’ in the Rain has Gene Kelly’s legendary performance in the rain. The ending of Grease features a carnival with several song and dance numbers. The beginning of Rent showcases a beautiful New York block back lot, surrounded with flaming debris. Also, since musicals had their start in the theaters, many lighting choices have theater-like qualities, such as the spotlight. All three films use a spotlight to highlight their actors. Rent and Singin’ in the Rain, use it to emphasize the theater and movie qualities of their film; while Grease uses the spotlight to portray a beginning of a dream sequence. Many musicals, even the grittier ones, have a sense of grandeur to them that can be seen in the production design. One can say grandeur has always been a calling card for musicals. Once musicals made the transition to film, a number of film techniques have been used repeatedly. First of all, many musicals use the technique of creating lines of movement from background to foreground to foster an illusion of depth. Singin’ in the Rain presents a line of beautiful women in tremendous outfits, in the background, during the â€Å"Beautiful Girl† song. The balcony scene in Rent and the carnival scene in Grease provide the same sense of an illusion of depth. In addition, the use of ellipsis, an omission of time to that separates one shot from another, allows films, such as these, to show a long progression of time quickly. The stories of these films take place over a matter of months like Singin’ in the Rain, a school term like Grease, or a full year like Rent. Since all that time cannot be shot, ellipses are used. Another technique, which is commonly used, is the fadeout. Since several of the song and dance scenes are basically vignettes, a fadeout is typically a good transition or ending. Grease uses it at the end of Beauty School Dropout, and the other films use it at the end of their films. Furthermore, the long shot, also known as the full-body shot, is used frequently in musicals to allow the audience to see the dexterity of the actors. The scenes like the ballet in Singin’ in the Rain, the hand jive in Grease, and the tango in Rent, must be shown with such shots to enhance their performances. Hence, while the feel of a musical can differ from one to another, the general format tends to follow a set path that one allows the viewer a measure of comfort. In conclusion, the genre of the musical has had a long standing in film for many years. From mere comedy to critiques on our society, the musical has taken many forms. For some reason, our society allows one to express their point of view through a musical to a mass audience. Such musicals as Hair, Tommy, and even Rent would not have been shown if not in musical form. The use of song and dance has always been a factor in any civilization from the rituals to entertainment. It is said that music soothes the savage beast, but music also allows the viewers of musicals to almost experience movie firsthand. One can easily get caught up in the songs of the musical. Have you ever caught yourself singing the songs after the show? That is a sign of an excellent musical. Whether it is live or on a screen, I receive so much enjoyment out of watching a musical. I hope the same can be said about you. How to cite Genre Analysis, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

In Act 1 Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet, there is a dramatic sense of romance and danger Essay Example For Students

In Act 1 Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet, there is a dramatic sense of romance and danger Essay In Act 1 Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet, there is a dramatic sense of romance and danger. How does Shakespeare convey these emotions through his text? Consider how Baz Luhrmanns interpretation of this scene has brought out the emotions present in the text. In Act 1, Scene 5, of Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare conveys romance and danger to the audience through his text in many ways, including his use of language and the way he structures his scene. The scene is important as Romeo meets Juliet and they find out they are from rival families. Tybalt also decides to take revenge on Romeo because he came to the feast uninvited and assumes Romeo wants to mock the Capulets. Previously, there had been a civil brawl between the Montagues and the Capulets. Afterwards, the Prince declared that the next person to start a fight, would be executed. Meanwhile, Paris and Capulet are discussing the possible marriage of him and Capulets daughter Juliet. Paris is told to wait two years before marrying her but he can meet her at the feast that night. In Scene 1, Romeo talks to Benvolio about being in love with Rosaline but unfortunately she does not want any involvement with him. Benvolio advises Romeo to go to the Capulet feast and compare her to the other women there. The consequences of this scene are largely involved with death as Tybalt kills Mercutio and then is killed himself by Romeo in revenge, as he and Mercutio were best friends. Therefore, Romeo is banished to Mantua and Juliet takes a potion to avoid marrying Paris. Friar Lawrence plans go awry and both lovers take their own lives. To truly understand Romeo and Juliet, its historical and social context must be considered. Verona, like Elizabethan England, is a patriarchal society which puts a great constraint on Juliet. She is considered as her fathers possession and the father of the family dominates. This was a law and not just an expectation. Juliet was controlled, captive and can only go to confession by herself. Women had no rights and this impacts in the play. Capulet and Montague are powerful people but their wives still have no rights. Juliet accepts that her father will choose a husband for her, but at first Capulet says he will let her decide, but when she decides not to marry Paris, he strikes back with harsh treatment. The scene begins with the servants clearing space for a dance which creates a sense of excitement and celebration. References to silverware and marzipan suggest how expensive and important the feast is. Capulet takes this feeling and expands it to include romance or at least flirtation with his opening speech as he teases the ladies to dance. Ladies that have their toes/unplagud with corns will walk a bout with you. He then welcomes the masked Montagues, whim he does not recognise, which adds a sense of danger as there could be another civil brawl if the Montagues were revealed. By having Capulet speak to several people, Shakespeare creates a certain sense of busyness and importance. Capulet tries to be a brilliant and entertaining host to all his guests as it is an important tradition to uphold. He then talks to his cousin about past feasts they had been to: For you and I are past our dancing days. All of this creates a festive and exciting mood and makes for the possibility of roma nce in everyones mind which in hindsight, predicts Romeo and Juliets first meeting ending in love. .u56e03529b3834506cb604452151d3833 , .u56e03529b3834506cb604452151d3833 .postImageUrl , .u56e03529b3834506cb604452151d3833 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u56e03529b3834506cb604452151d3833 , .u56e03529b3834506cb604452151d3833:hover , .u56e03529b3834506cb604452151d3833:visited , .u56e03529b3834506cb604452151d3833:active { border:0!important; } .u56e03529b3834506cb604452151d3833 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u56e03529b3834506cb604452151d3833 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u56e03529b3834506cb604452151d3833:active , .u56e03529b3834506cb604452151d3833:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u56e03529b3834506cb604452151d3833 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u56e03529b3834506cb604452151d3833 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u56e03529b3834506cb604452151d3833 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u56e03529b3834506cb604452151d3833 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u56e03529b3834506cb604452151d3833:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u56e03529b3834506cb604452151d3833 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u56e03529b3834506cb604452151d3833 .u56e03529b3834506cb604452151d3833-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u56e03529b3834506cb604452151d3833:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Thematic Elements in Hamlet EssayThe scene suddenly shifts focus from flirtation to love as Romeo sees Juliet for the first time to show a contrast between the two emotions as Romeos feelings are a lot more serious. In Romeos ten line speech, Shakespeare shows Romeos feelings are much more genuine as he is incredibly more articulate than when he spoke to Benvolio about Rosaline, I do love a woman. Romeo asks a servant who Juliet is and he answers, I know not, sir. This shows that Juliet is kept inside the mansion which once again shows the social context of the play. Verona being a patriarchal society means Juliet, as her fathers possession, is kept inside the mansion. In ten lines, the audience will be convinced of Romeo being in love and of Juliets beauty. To begin with, he compares her to light, she doth teaches the torches to burn bright. Romeo then extends this image by saying she is like a rich jewel in an Ethiopes ear, again emphasizing her rarity and dazzling beauty. His comment Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear, makes her seem to good to be true and is prophetic as it also seems Juliet is too good for this world; indeed she dies in four days. Romeo says she stands above everyone, a snowy dove trooping with crows. He has compared her to Rosaline but Juliet is a much better sight. In the last four lines Romeo declines his love for Rosaline and announces his love for Juliet. Romeo speaks in rhyming couplets during the ten line speech which shows his passion for his new found love. There is another dramatic shift in emotion as Tybalt sees Romeo and shows his anger, conveyed through the sharp sounds and rhythms of the lines. His first reaction to Romeo is Fetch me my rapier. Rapier is a sword which illustrates Tybalts intention to kill. His last two lines are a rhyming couplet which shows his passion for hate; Now by the stock and honour of our kin/To strike him dead I hold it not a sin. This adds tension as Tybalt is willing to kill and that is against the Princes law. His first reaction is to get his sword which could ruin the feast and result in an execution. Shakespeares language makes Tybalt seem spiteful with sharp sounds and rhythm: Hear and scorn at our solemnity, conveying his love for hate and violence, proved in the final two lines written in the form of a rhyming couplet. When Capulet hears of Tybalts plans, he immediately tries to calm him down: Content thee, gentle coz, let him alone. Tybalt argues and Capulet suddenly is filled with rage as he int errupts Tybalt, Ill not endure him, He shall be endured. Repetition and broken sentences, Go to!-Go to!, show Capulets rage at Tybalts attempt to disrupt the feast. Tybalts final threat foreshadows his and Mercutios death and is in the form of a rhyming couplet again conveying his passion for hating the Montagues. From sharp danger to romantic hope, Shakespeare introduces the lovers to each other through a sonnet. This is appropriate because sonnets are usually poems about love but another key theme in Elizabethan sonnets was death and time which could prelude the tragedy to come in the play. Also Romeo as a courtly lover would be expected to write sonnets to his beloved. Every sonnet is built upon an argument, and Romeo argues for a kiss; My lips two blushing pilgrims ready stand/To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss. Juliet being able to respond in sonnet form shows how well matched she is with Romeo, especially as she has had no experience in courtship; this shows she has found her soul mate. There is a lot of religious imagery in the sonnet, pilgrim and saint which creates the impression that their love is holy and above the ordinary. At the beginning of their second sonnet, they are interrupted by the nurse who says: Madam, your mother craves a word with you. The interruption indi cates that the family will always come in between their love and sends a sense of danger through the relationship which remains throughout the scene. .uaec3501327cc13da62087c2d8b78dc3a , .uaec3501327cc13da62087c2d8b78dc3a .postImageUrl , .uaec3501327cc13da62087c2d8b78dc3a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uaec3501327cc13da62087c2d8b78dc3a , .uaec3501327cc13da62087c2d8b78dc3a:hover , .uaec3501327cc13da62087c2d8b78dc3a:visited , .uaec3501327cc13da62087c2d8b78dc3a:active { border:0!important; } .uaec3501327cc13da62087c2d8b78dc3a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uaec3501327cc13da62087c2d8b78dc3a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uaec3501327cc13da62087c2d8b78dc3a:active , .uaec3501327cc13da62087c2d8b78dc3a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uaec3501327cc13da62087c2d8b78dc3a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uaec3501327cc13da62087c2d8b78dc3a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uaec3501327cc13da62087c2d8b78dc3a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uaec3501327cc13da62087c2d8b78dc3a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uaec3501327cc13da62087c2d8b78dc3a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uaec3501327cc13da62087c2d8b78dc3a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uaec3501327cc13da62087c2d8b78dc3a .uaec3501327cc13da62087c2d8b78dc3a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uaec3501327cc13da62087c2d8b78dc3a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Mary Shelly's Novel Frankenstein EssayRomeo then finds out that Juliet is a Capulet and he that can lay hold of her, shall have the chinks., said by the nurse, once again shows the Capulet obsession with money. Romeo is shocked as he now owes his life to his enemy because of his love, My life is my foes debt. This creates suspense as the audience wonders if they will ever be together or if the families will stop them. Within this scene Shakespeare alternates from romance and danger many times. Juliet then seeks the identity of Romeo in excitement but doesnt want the Nurse to suspect anything so she asks the identity of two other men. Already, Juliet is keeping secrets which is a sign of things to come. Her thoughts as the nurse seeks Romeos identity, If he be married, my grave is like to be my wedding bed, shows Juliet is already thinking of marriage in terms of death. She finds out Romeo is a Montague and is instantly distressed. She now loves him and cannot change her feelings, even though now he is a Montague. Her rhyming couplets express her passion for Romeo, but with Juliet her passion often leads to desperation. We then see Juliet isolated as the strangers leave and keeping her love secret from her Nurse makes Juliet alone literally with her new found love. Act 1, Scene 5 is a scene full of dramatic emotion, especially romance and danger. As the final scene of Act 1, it is the catalyst for the rest of the action in the play. It is clear from this scene that Romeo and Juliet will never be together and even they know it.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Time to exercise

There are many debates concerning the effectiveness of different intensities in cardiovascular activities used in weight loss programs. Many people are confused regarding which exercises are good for their health. One of the most important aspects of weight loss is time. It is important to join training programs that ensure that individuals use time effectively while at the same time enjoying the benefits of the exercise program. In addition, it is important to understand how the body’s system works in relation to weight loss.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Time to exercise specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The body had two main lipolytic systems. The oxygen dependent lipolytic system and the oxygen independent lipolytic system. The oxygen dependent lipolytic system relies on the breakdown of fats and lipids to enable the body to produce energy. This system aids the body significantly in lower intensity o r endurance exercises. On the other hand, the oxygen dependent glycolytic system produces little energy and relies on glycogen and glucose. This system produces little energy and is not reliable. It is important for individuals to understand fully how these two systems operate. It is recommended for people who are taking part in weight loss programs to engage in low-intensity cardio-vascular activities because they use the oxygen dependent system. Low-intensity activities are encouraged because they use fat as their source of energy thus aid in weight loss. One of the most effective weight loss methods is the Tabata method. This method was invented by Izumi Tabata from Japan. He invented it from a study that he conducted on two sets of athletes that took part in high intensity and low intensity activities. He found out that high intensity training led to positive changes in both aerobic and anaerobic systems in the body. The other group of athletes that took part in low intensity tr aining experienced significant improvements in their aerobic system and little or no improvements in their anaerobic system. The Tabata method involves an initial short period of intense activity for 20 minutes. This is followed by a 10-seconds rest, followed by a repeat of the previous activity for 20 seconds. This cycle is repeated for eight more times with a rest period of 10 seconds between activities. After the first cycle, a 2-minutes break is recommended, followed by two more repetitions of the whole cycle. This method can be effectively used in any training period. The Tabata method can be done using weights. Another effective method is the High intensity interval training (HIIT). It involves alternating between high intensity workout and low intensity workout. It is effective because it enables the body to burn calories and lose weight. These methods are effective foe maximum weight loss. However, other methods can be utilized if these two are strenuous.Advertising Loo king for report on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This report on Time to exercise was written and submitted by user Madisyn Cleveland to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Why north won the civil war essays

Why north won the civil war essays From the onset of war, the North had obvious advantages. Over all, in terms of both the population and productive capacity, the North had a commanding edge over the South. The North has two and a half times the Souths population (22 million to 9 million, of whom 3.5 million were slaves) and enjoyed an even greater advantage in industrial capacity (nine times that of the South). The North produced almost all of the nations firearms, cloth and footwear. And it had 71 percent of its railroad mileage. The North was able to feed, clothe, arm, and transport the soldiers. These advantages were ultimately to prove decisive. Delaware, Maryland, Missouri, and Kentucky chose to stay in the Union which was a severe blow to the Confederacy. The North also found many ways to support the war. They developed ways to finance the war. The Treasury used patriotic appeals to sell war bonds to ordinary people in amounts as small as $50. But the South failed in the area of the finance. The Secretary of S tate, William Seward, did the job of making sure that Britain and France did not extend diplomatic recognition to the Confederacy. Although the outbreak of war overshadowed everything else, the Republican Party in Congress still developed many programs for the economic development. For example, the Homestead Act gave 160 acres of public land to any citizen who agreed to live on the land for five years. These were powerful nationalizing forces. They connected ordinary people to the federal government during war time. The Emancipation Proclamation also gained the Free African Americans support for the war and encouraged southern slaves either to flee to Union or refuse to work for their master. Though there were some dissenters in the North, they had a very strong president, Abraham Lincoln, who never seemed to give up. He was the first president to act as Commander-in-chief in both a practical and a symbolic way. ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Paper 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Paper 1 - Essay Example The following essay looks at Cuneiform scripts, what it says about the culture, how it is important to the culture and its relation to the textbook. The cuneiform scripts were a witness to one of the world’s oldest literate cultures. For over a three millennia period, it was the vehicle of communication in the great Mesopotamia region. The development of cuneiform scripts in the Mesopotamian culture can be traced back to the changes that were taking place during the Uruk period. Such changes led to an increase in the size of cities and towns which led to an increase in population centers around the south of the region. The increase in one region led to massive surpluses in resources that led to the need for a centralized government to organize labor and manage the surpluses in resources. The form of authority recognized at that particular period included temple that began to appear. There was a considerable development increase in temple sizes highlighting the resources that were in surplus supply (Tignor et al. 52). The temples increased in both number and size in towns with high population sizes to signify a centralized form of authority. The rise of the economic status in terms of wealth and personal property of the population in the Mesopotamia region led to a stratified society. The nature is shown by the bevel-rimmed bowls which were produced in mass. The ownership of cylinder seals indicated not only wealth, but they also acted as a symbol of authority (Tignor et al. 55). The cylinders contained various markings and, therefore, this led to the development of writing in pictograms. As the pictograms continue, scripts were developing, and its use evolves. Through the Mesopotamian evolving lifestyle, economic status, the need for a centralized authority, cuneiform form of writing and the script develops. The cuneiform, therefore, shows an increasingly rich population, a culture in need of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Capital Structure and Leverage Practices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Capital Structure and Leverage Practices - Essay Example The family dollar company is basically a chain of stores that offer different assorted products such as clothing, food, and other supplies that a common family needs. This fact about the company's standing as a proper resource of practical items that is needed by the common family gives it a bit of an edge in making specific name in the market. Refinements and Growth. Refinements have been made through the years but its marketing edge remains to be meeting the needs of its customers for good quality but low cost merchandise (Family Dollar). The company basically thrived within a basic improved growth during the 1980's but gradually the growth slowed down during the 1900's when particular retail store brands already entered the arena of modern business industries such as that of Wal-Mart. "Over the years, Family Dollar has matured into a highly sophisticated retailer while staying true to its roots. An efficient distribution system, astute management and adoption of new technology and systems have enabled Family Dollar to keep up its industry-leading metrics in new store sales productivity, return on invested capital and comparable-store sales" ( Today, although the Family Dollar company remains to be within the competition, it is surely in need of improving its ways to keep up with what other competitor organizations put up for the establishment of a better standing in the industry of international retailing. The company now belongs to the Fortune 400 and S&P 500. THE COMPANY'S CAPITAL STRUCTURE AND LEVERAGE PRACTICES During the 1970's it could be seen how the stock shares of the company grew to a level of competitive stand within the stock market. This was the time when it went public for at least $14.50 per share. From this particular standing, the business began to grow towards prosperity and increased rate of profits in an annual basis. As the business grew towards a more inquisitive sense of market control, the ways by which the business have seen their practical position in the industry as a particular competitive organization in the field of retail marketing and product distribution. The CEO's that come and go in the company have effectively managed the capital of the business. However, because of the preserved views towards earning more through establishing more branches, the balance of seeing matters clearly have placed the Family Dollar in quite a stable yet non-moving position in the industry as larger organizations come into the scene. This is the reason why there is a need to shift the focus from profit to customer satisfaction considerations. "Despite being the underdog in sales and store count, Family Dollar is still the favored stock of many analysts due to a strong growth outlook and best-in-class financial metrics that give it an edge over Dollar General" ( The company seems comfortable going public as it constantly declares dividends while also actively looking for investment opportunities. The company gives quarterly dividends to its investors and has specifically reported an 8% increase in dividends at the start of 2009. Recently, Family Dollar Company was reported to make a presentation "to the investment community at Barclays Capital Retail and Restaurants Conference" (Family Dollar). ANALYSIS OF THE COMPANY'S CAPI

Monday, November 18, 2019

Media Portrayal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Media Portrayal - Essay Example This essay discusse the connections between modern information, communication and the individuals with disabilities issue. Today, people can get information from various sources, that is mostly may be accessed with the help of mass media. Mass media is a term used to denote, as a class, that section of the media specifically conceived and designed to reach a very large audience. It was coined in the 1920s with the advent of nationwide radio networks and of mass-circulation newspapers and magazines. Unfortunately individuals with disabilities to a great extend are limited by not being able to make use of such opportunities. Access to communications and information can be available through many sources such as: newspapers, magazines, television programs, and movies, Internet etc. Depending on the type of disability i.e. deafness, blindness, and so on the individuals with disabilities are limited having no access to appropriate source of the information. This essay raises the question o f vital importance for the international community today, that is to create and promote approaches and technologies that will allow everyone including individuals with disabilities to get, to utilize, to exchange and to create information and knowledge. The researcher focuses on introducing the topic and analyzes in details many examples of mass-media articles, movies and tv-shows related to the individuals with disabilities issue. Some examples that were mentioned in the essay: Touch the Sound, Zatoichi, Be with me movies, etc.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Data Replication

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Data Replication By having a file system replicated, if 1 of the replica crashes, the system is still able to continue working by switching it to another replica. Having multiple copies helps in protecting against corrupted data Example: If there are three copies of a file data with each of them performed read and write operation. We can prevent failing of a single write operation having the value returned by the other two copies are correct. Improve the performance by replicating the server as well as dividing the work. This can be achieved by increasing number of processes needed to access data managed by the server Scaling in geographical area Client at all sites can experience the improved availability of replicated data. When the local copy of the replicated data is unavailable, the clients will still be able to access the remote copy of the data Disadvantage: Leading to inconsistency of files containing data When there are multiple copies and that one copy is being modified, the copy will be different from the other replicas. If the copy is being modified and is not propagated to other copies. It will make the other copies out-dated. Example: replication to making improvement the access time of web pages. However, the users might not get the most updated webpages because the webpages that are returned might be a cached version of the pages previously fetched from the web server Cost of increased bandwidth for maintaining replication Replication of data in the files needs to be kept up to date, a network often has large number of message flowing through when the users interact with the file data having to modify or delete data. Thus, data replication will get expensive Give at least two examples of a distributed system, and explain how scalability is addressed in those systems. An online transaction processing system is scalable due to it can be upgraded by adding new processors, storage and devices to process more transactions. This can be upgraded easily and transparently without shutting the system down. The distributed nature of DNS (Domain Name System) allows working efficiently even when every host in the worldwide Internet are served. Thus, it is said to scale well. DNS has the hierarchical design around administratively delegated namespaces and also the use of caching. This seek to reduce load on the root servers at the top of the namespace hierarchy as well as the successful caching limit client-perceived delays with the wide area network bandwidth usage. Question 2 We mentioned in the lectures three different techniques for redirecting clients to servers: TCP handoff, DNS-based redirection, and HTTP-based redirection. What are the main advantages and disadvantages of each technique? TCP handoff Advantage: The TCP handoff achieved total transparency from the clientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s point of view as it operates on transport level streams. Therefore, the client will not be aware of them being redirected. When they send the requests to the service machine, they will not be able to know the intermediate gateway switch them between replicas. Disadvantage: The disadvantage of TCP handoff is that the client will not be offer more than one replica to choose from and the redirection mechanism remains in charge of what happen to the client requests. TCP handoff is being treated as a redirection mechanism as it distinguishes service based on the combination of the target machine port number and address. Thus, if we want to replicate service, it is needed to make full copy on the each replica where in this way will lose the flexibility of partial replication. DNS-based Redirection Advantage: DNS-based Redirection achieves transparency without the loss of scalability. It achieved transparency due to the clients are obliged to use the provided addresses by the DNS server. It cannot establish whether the addresses are from the home machine of the server or its replicas. DNS is very efficient as a distributed name resolution service. DNS allows multiple replicas addresses to be returned and to enable the client to choose one of them. Another advantage of DNS is its good maintainability. Disadvantage: DNS queries carry no information on the client triggering the name resolution. For the service-side DNS server, it knows the network address of the DNS server only that ask about the service location. DNS cannot distinguish between the different services that are located on the same machine. When a recursive query occurs, DNS server needs to create chain of queries that end at the server domain DNS server. This will only let the latter knows the address of the DNS server that is a step before the chain and not the origin of the created chain of queries. Thus, the service domain DNS server does not have information about the location of the client. HTTP-based Redirection Advantage: HTTP-based redirection is easy to deploy. What is needed is the possibility of serving dynamic generated web pages. In addition to create the actual content, the generator can determine an optimal replica which rewrite internal references that point to the replica. It is proven to be efficient even though it is always required to retrieve initial document from the main server. All the further works proceeded between client and selected replica; this is likely to give optimal performance to the client. Disadvantage: The disadvantage is that it lacked of transparency. Receiving a URL explicitly points to certain replica and that the browser will become aware of the switching between the different machines. And for scalability, the necessity of making contact with is always the same, the single service machine can make it bottleneck as the number of clients increase which makes situation worse. What is multicast communication? Explain an approach for achieving multicasting. Multicast communication refers to the delivery of a data source transmitted from a source node to an arbitrary number of destination nodes. Application-level multicast is an approach to achieving multicasting, the nodes are organise into overlay network and is use to disseminate information to the members. The nodes are organising into either a tree or a mesh where there will be a unique path between pair of nodes or every node will be having multiple neighbours which can mean that there are multiple paths between each pair. Having nodes organise into a mesh will be more robust due to having the opportunity to disseminate information without immediate reorganise the whole overlay network. Example: Multicast tree in chord This is because when a multicast message is send by a node towards the root of the tree, it looks up the data that is along the tree it wants. In the case of reliable FIFO-ordered multicasts, the communication layer is forced to deliver incoming messages from the same process in the same order as they have been sent. What are the permissible delivery orderings for the combination of FIFO and total-ordered multicasting in Figure. 8-15 (shown on the last page of this assignment)? Question 3 Why is receiver-based message logging considered to be better than sender-based logging? Explain the reasons behind your answer. The reason for this is that recovery is entirely local. In the sender-based logging, a recovering process has to contact the senders to retransmit their message. Example: When a receiving process crashes, most checkpoint state will be restored and replay the message that is been sent again. It combines checkpoint with message logging make it easier to have a state restore that lies beyond the recent checkpoint. As for sender-based logging, it is difficult to find recovery line as the checkpoint will cause a domino effect meaning that there will be inconsistency checkpoint and cost of taking a checkpoint is high. In conclusion, receiver-based message logging is better than sender-based logging Does the Triple Modular Redundancy Model (TMR) capable of masking any type of failure? Explain your answer. Triple Modular Redundancy Model is not capable of masking any type of failure. This is because TMR assumption on the voting circuit determines which replication it is in error having a 2 to 1 vote is observed. The voting circuit will output the result that is correct and discard the erroneous one. The TMR is able to mask the erroneous version successfully if it is assumed to be a failure presenting itself to the system. Also, if there is 1 fault or more appearing at the same time in the particular system, TMR will not be able to mask. In addition, TMR is not able to mask successfully if the above assumptions are invalid. Thus, it is sometimes extended to QMR (Quad Modular Redundancy). Example: if X1, X2 and X3 were to fail all at the same time, the voter will have a undefined output. Compare the two-phase commit protocol with the three-phase commit protocol (chapter 8 in the book). Would it be possible to eliminate blocking in a two-phase commit when the participants were to elect a new coordinator? Explain your answer. The blocking can never be completely eliminated. This is because after the election, the new coordinator might crash. Thus, the remaining participants will not reach a final decision because the election requires vote from the newly elected coordinator. Question 4 Why do persistent connections generally improve performance compared to non-persistent connections? Explain reasons to why persistent connections are disabled on some Web servers (why would anyone want to disable persistent connections)? The client is able to issue several requests without the need of waiting for the response to the 1st request. The server is also able to issue several requests without having to create spate connection for the communicate pair. It is so because when using non-persistent connections. A separate TCP connection is establish to load every component of a Web document and when the web documents contains embedded content such as images or multi-media content, it will become inefficient. Also it is because some of the web serversà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ middleware layer is weak and unable to manage clients that are sending several requests. These requests will only stack up in the middleware layer that will cause response to be slow due to only 1 connection for all the requests. Explain the difference between static web content and dynamic content created by server-side CGI programs. The difference between static web content and dynamic content is that: Dynamic content is able to customize response and providing transparency to users. Users are unable to know if HTML document is generated on demand or it is physically stored in a location. The value can be store in database and will be retrieved and generated on demand when user requested for the values using the CGI program. Flexibility is provided in CGI program as it can run executable file from the server which allowed interactivity on the site. However, static web content is not able to do it. Static web content, the users are aware that the data is stored as information presented would be the same. If multiple webpages were needed to be updated it will be quite tedious. A lot of time is consume due to each update requires retrieving of HTML documents to update. When create a new webpage, time is consume. For static web content, overhead will not be generated as much as dynamic content as CGI program will take up time and memory to generate and produce output. Whereas for the static web content, it is displayed as how it is being retrieved.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Antigone †The First Feminist Essay -- Antigone Essays

Antigone – The First Feminist How old is feminism, and who was the first feminist? Although no one can say for sure the exact date on which the feminist movement started, most of it is attributed to the past two centuries. However, women who are feminists have been around much longer. In Sophocles’s Antigone, the main character (Antigone) acts as a protofeminist by defying the authority of a patriarchal society and taking action according to what she believes is right in her heart. She even shows some characteristics of a modern feminist. Feminists today are viewed as raging, man-hating bitches, but feminism in its true sense simply advocates women’s rights. While there are extremes on either side of the scale, most feminists fight for equality among the sexes rather than dominance of one over the other. Antigone can be considered a feminist because she challenges the â€Å"men-make-the-rules-and-women-follow-them-unquestioningly† mentality of the society she lives in. Antigone’s character is indeed among the first to stand up for women in a society that has remained patriarcha...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Marketing Syllabus Spring

The student will then have ten (10) days to respond in one of the following ways: Sign the form and request a meeting with the Academic Dean to discuss the allegations and or proposed sanctions; Sign and return the form to the Academic Dean accepting responsibility for the violation and agreeing to the recommended sanction(s); If the student fails to respond within thirty (30) days, a hold will be placed on the students account and the right to participate in the resolution of the allegation will be forfeited.Formal Resolutions: If the alleged violation could result in the suspension or dismissal from the university, or if the student or faculty member requests a formal resolution, the Academic Dean will notify the faculty member and the student(s) that a formal hearing of the Academic Dishonesty Committee will be convened. The committee will be comprised of seven (7) full time faculty members to be appointed by the Vice-President for Academic Affairs on an annual basis. The Academic Dean will serve as chair and will not have voting privileges. The Vice-President for Student Development will serve as an ex officio member of the committee.The Academic Dean will schedule a hearing in a timely manner and all parties will be notified often and location. If the accused student requests, the Academic Dean will assist the student in securing a member of the university community to advise and assist the student in preparing for the hearing. All parties will have the opportunity to present his/her evidence to the committee. The documents, testimony and record of the hearings will be confidential. Upon completion of the testimony, the Committee will meet in closed chambers and vote on the disposition of the student's status at the university.Penalties: Depending upon the intent and severity of the violation, a student found responsible for any act of academic dishonesty will be subject to one or more of the following penalties: The student is placed on academic honor pro bation until graduation. For any student on academic honor probation, a second violation will result in a minimum sanction of one semester of suspension from the university. In addition to academic honor probation, a student might also receive a grade of â€Å"F† on the assignment or test; students might also receive an â€Å"P' in the course; or be suspended or dismissed from the university.No provision will be made for the student to receive a â€Å"W† regardless of whether the professor or student initiate said request. If the student receives a grade of â€Å"F† for the course or is suspended or dismissed from the university, the transcript will indicate the grade with â€Å"HP† and/or the notation â€Å"Academic Honor Suspension (Dismissal). † All students found guilty of academic honor violations shall have a written letter detailing the violation and sanction placed in their permanent record. Copies of this letter will also be sent to the f aculty member of the course, appropriate College Dean, and to the Vice-President for StudentDevelopment. Appeals: A student may submit a written appeal of a guilty finding to the Vicissitude for Academic Affairs within ten days of receipt of the original decision. Appeals must be based on new evidence, additional information, or procedural errors or misconduct. The Vice-President's decision is final. 4) Exam Policy: The administration of a final examination prior to the date designated is considered a violation of University policy; therefore, no final exams for this course will be given other than on the specified day and time without the express approval of the Dean of the College of Business and Management.Such exceptions may be given for only the most extreme and sensitive cases. Other than such exceptions, no â€Å"make-up† examinations shall be administered. It is essential that each student plan accordingly, especially regarding post-term travel plans. 5) Accommodation Statement: â€Å"Lynn University makes reasonable accommodations for qualified students with documented disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (DAD) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. If special accommodations are needed, please contact the DAD compliance Officer at 561-237-7069 or [email  protected] Du to assist in commenting and defining those needs.Accommodations are not retroactive therefore, for any accommodation the instructor must be presented with the form specifying the needs. The Academic DAD Specialist is located in the Green Center. 6) Incomplete Grade: A. For a student to be eligible to receive an incomplete for a course: 1) The student must provide to the dean of students documentation of the extenuating circumstance(s) that prevent him/her from satisfying the course requirements and learning outcomes of that particular course. 2) The student, at the time of applying for an incomplete, must have employed 2/3 of the term and have a passing gr ade.B. The application process: 1) The student will have the option of applying for an incomplete in one or more courses. 2) The student will obtain and complete the incomplete application form and bring it to the dean of students with appropriate documentation. The dean of students will verify that the student's application satisfies the eligibility criteria. If the application satisfies the eligibility criteria then the dean of students will return the approved form to the student who will then take the form to the professor of the course.The professor and student will draw out contract, which includes but is not limited to: all coursework to be completed and the deadline for this material to be submitted. After the student agrees to the terms of the contract and signs the form, the professor will take the contract to the dean of his/her college. The dean will then review the contract and sign the form upon approval. The â€Å"l† is now official and the contract is binding. The dean of the college will distribute copies of the contract to the professor, the student, the dean of students and the Registrar.Each recipient will place the copied contract in the appropriate file. The roofless will keep one copy and the original will be placed in the student's file in the college of his/her major. C. The form: 1) Will be available online. 2) Will contain current grade, what specific assignments are to be completed due date for all material (not to exceed One year beyond the original term final grade due date), and state that the final course grade will be a ‘W† if the student does not complete the requirements. 7) Withdrawals: Students are limited to eight undergraduate and three graduate course withdrawals. ) Assignments: Papers must be submitted ONLY through the Assignment link n Blackboard. For assistance with Blackboard, contact the IT Help Desk at 561-2377979. Late papers will not be accepted without penalty without the prior consent of the professor. Extensions may be granted on an individual basis and will only be granted for particularly sensitive cases. The granting of makeup papers shall be at the sole discretion of the professor and will not be given except for particularly sensitive cases that are discussed at length with the professor.In any group project, the student is expected to become an integral team member, with active input, interaction, and contributions. Once mea members have been selected, it is the responsibility of the team to agree upon the work assignment and allocation of team resources. A student who does not completely follow through with that student's commitments to the team will not receive a passing grade for the project. 9) Dress code: For all activities in the classroom that involve a guest presenter, as well as for field study visitations, the student shall be required to dress in business casual attire.If the instructor determines that the student's appearance is inappropriate for a sc heduled activity, the student will not be permitted to participate. 0) Questions and concerns: Students who have concerns or questions regarding academic matters relating to this course are urged to consult with the instructor. Students should be familiar with information found in the current Lynn University Academic Catalog. Required Texts Articles, Videos, and e-mails throughout the term as provided by the professor, including postings on this course's Blackboard companion site.Suggested Reading and Sources (1) Street & Smith's Sports Business Journal, subscription available at www. Superciliousness's. Com Course Requirements Each student will complete all assignments and is responsible for Discussion Board postings on Blackboard. Details about each of these projects are attached to this syllabus. You may complete any assignment in any order you please. Try to complete one project every two weeks, and to complete your Discussion board posts on a Weekly basis. All work is due by Fr iday Feb. 27 at 1 1 :pm properly posted in Blackboard.Grading Grading is based on the following system: Deal Maker USB LOC Discussion Board USB Advertising USB Launch Party Total 20 points 100 points Grades for each of the factors listed above will be posted progressively throughout the semester, and will be accessible to the student through the university online Blackboard system. Student final grades shall be rounded by tenths to the nearest whole number. A grade of exactly one-half point shall be rounded to the next highest whole number. Student grades shall not be rounded by hundredths to the nearest tenth.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free sample - Alexamara Marine Group Case database management. translation missing

Alexamara Marine Group Case database management. Alexamara Marine Group Case database managementNormalization Normalization defines simple rules that ensure that a database is structured in the best way possible. it ensures that no data is unnecessarily duplicated .This means that no data is held in no more than one table. This is called duplication anomalies. It also ensures that the database has consistency (Date, 2006). The most important thing about normalization is that it allows the user to perform all types of queries which out errors. 1st Normal Formal Form (CategoryNum , Category Description ServiceID , SlipID, Description, CategoryNum, Status, EstHours ,SpentHours ,NextServiceDate). This is table in the first normal form. It has already been normalized from the 0nf because it has a primary key(Date, 2006). The table is in the first normal form (NF1) because it contains no repeating attributes or group of attributes. 2nd Normal Formal Form (CategoryNum , CategoryDescription ServiceID , SlipID, CategoryNum, Status, EstHours ,SpentHours ,NextServiceDate). This table is in second normal form because it is in first normal form and has no partial key dependency. It also means that there is no column that is not part of a primary key is dependent on only portion of the primary key. Â  Functional dependencies in Marina (Marina Num, Name, (Slip Num, Length, Rental Fee, Boat Name)) The functional dependencies are one is to many because marina can have many slips Marina Slip (Slip ID, Marina Num, Slip Num, Length, Rental Fee, Boat Name, Boat Type, Owner Num, Last Name, First Name) To convert this to third normal form one need to test non key dependency . A table in 3NF optimizes the way of holding data with no attributes being duplicated anywhere. Work cited Date, C. (2006) What First Normal Form Really Means in Date on Database: Writings 2000- 2006: New York, Springer-Verlag, pp. 127-128.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Illocutionary Acts in Speech-Act Theory

Illocutionary Acts in Speech-Act Theory In speech-act theory, the term illocutionary act refers to the use of a sentence  to express an attitude with a certain function or force, called an  illocutionary force, which differs from locutionary acts in that they carry a certain urgency and appeal to the meaning and direction of the speaker.   Although illocutionary acts are commonly made explicit by the use of performative verbs  like promise or request, they can often be vague as in someone saying Ill be there, wherein the audience cannot ascertain whether the speaker has made a promise or not. In addition, as Daniel R. Boisvert observes in Expressivism, Nondeclarative, and Success-Conditional Semantics that we can use sentences to warn, congratulate, complain, predict, command, apologize, inquire, explain, describe, request, bet, marry, and adjourn, to list just a few specific kinds of illocutionary act. The terms  illocutionary act  and  illocutionary force  were introduced by British linguistic philosopher John  Austin in 1962s How to Do Things With Words, and for some scholars, the term illocutionary act  is virtually synonymous with speech act. Locutionary, Illocutionary, and Perlocutionary Acts Acts of speech can be broken down into three categories: locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary acts. In each of these, too, the acts can either be direct or indirect, which quantify how effective they are at conveying the speakers message to its intended audience. According to Susana Nuccetelli and Gary Seays Philosophy of Language: The Central Topics, locutionary acts are the mere act of producing some linguistic sounds or marks with a certain meaning and reference, but these are the least effective means of describing the acts, merely an umbrella term for the other two which can occur simultaneously. Speech acts can therefore further be broken down into illocutionary and perlocutionary wherein the illocutionary act carries a directive for the audience, such as promising, ordering, apologizing and thanking. Perlocutionary acts, on the other hand, bring about consequences to the audiences such as saying I will not be your friend. In this instance, the impending loss of friendship is an illocutionary act while the effect of frightening the friend into compliance is a perlocutionary act. Relationship Between Speaker and Listener Because perlocutionary and illocutionary acts depend on the audiences reaction to a given speech, the relationship between speaker and listener is important to understand in the context of such acts of speech. Etsuko Oishi wrote in Apologies, that the importance of the speakers intention in performing an illocutionary act is unquestionable, but, in communication, the utterance becomes an illocutionary act only when the hearer takes the utterance as such. By this, Oishi means that although the speakers act may always be an illocutionary one, the listener can choose to not interpret that way, therefore redefining the cognitive configuration of their shared outer world. Given this observation, the old adage know your audience becomes especially relevant in understanding discourse theory, and indeed in composing a good speech or speaking well in general. In order for the illocutionary act to be effective, the speaker must use language which his or her audience will understand as intended.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Auditing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Auditing - Essay Example An auditor who works for a mid size firm takes on the assignment of auditing Telechubbies for the first time based on information that is provided to the auditor by Rachel Jones, the financial controller of Telechubbies. The basic information given to the auditor is that there is a requirement to maintain a 2:1 debt to equity ratio based on a loan contract. The provision for inventory obsolesces is 10% which is was cut 100 per cent from the previous year’s levels and the company wants another 100 per cent reduction this year to bring it down to 5%. A third piece of data given is that the long term receivables in the books belong to an R&D company owned by one of the directors. The auditor would start this audit by inspecting the balance sheet, income statement, annual report, code of ethics, and physical warehouse of Telechubbies. The balance sheet requires special attention. This financial statements has the data to calculate the debt to equity ratio. The auditor needs to inspect that the company is complying with the 2:1 requirement. After verifying the metric the auditor should go back a few years and compare the current debt to equity ratio level to the last three years results to find any tendency in the metric that might place the contract at risk in the near future. The company recently changed its inventory obsolescence provision to 10%. The auditor has to immediately verify if this changed was notified to the shareholders in the financial statements in the form of a note to the financial statements. This change represent a new discrepancy in the way the accounting methods thus it must be notified for purposes of following the accounting principle of consistency. The desired to cut the provision down to 5% requires certain numerical and physical auditing procedures. The long term receivable information is a worrisome sign since lending money to a company that is owned by a company director

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Sexual Harassment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Sexual Harassment - Essay Example Asking for sexual favors is a direct form of sexual harassment but in some cases indirect favors are also an important element of sexual harassment. The individual involved is either asked for the favor for a reward or he/she is put in such an environment that it becomes hostile for him (Lewis 2001). Many link sexual harassment to be a gender specific situation as most of the cases are seen to be following the women who are subordinating certain individuals. These sexual harassment situations not only lead to deleterious effects on health but they also affect the state of mind of the individual concerned. Sexual harassment is not only related to workplace environments but is also related to the people who are working in military and the service sector (Street et al 2008). Sexual harassment not only refers to the sexual favors but it also relates to the body language of the individuals. Behaviors that are unwelcome by individuals and can be clearly anticipated for making someone offen ded are said to be incorporating the broad definition of sexual harassment (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2013). Actions that are pervasive and considered hostile are also associated with the sexual harassment situations. It is also seen that sexual harassment can lead to post traumatic stress disorder in many people as the person undergoes anxiety and depression after undergoing these situations (Street et al 2008). More studies help to find out the correlation of race with sexual harassment as it can be seen that the African Americans are likely to come under the situations of sexual harassment more often than their counterparts. Adolescence is also a factor for the increase in the cases of sexual harassment as found by a study conducted by Goldstein (Goldstein et al 2007). The elements of sexual harassment that have not been reviewed properly are related to the sex

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Brabantio Protests the Marriage of His Daughter Essay

Brabantio Protests the Marriage of His Daughter - Essay Example This essay would therefore like to determine whether Othello is doomed to fall because of his position as a Black, or because he is merely an outsider. But even with the second option, the play would demonstrate xenophobic tendencies. What was the attitude of Shakespeare’s England to Blacks? England first â€Å"encountered† Blacks sometime in the sixteenth century, probably around 1554 (Orkin 166). By 1601, however, there must have been enough rise in the Black population for Elizabeth I to have noticed and criticized the â€Å"great numbers of Negars and blackamoors which are crept into† England (Jones 12). There was therefore, already a culture of mistrust against the Moors in England. The word â€Å"black† at the time had many different, negative associations of evil, as the OED suggests. However, Shakespeare may not have been part of this attitude. Aaron in Titus Andronicus is still a racial stereotype, but by the time Shakespeare writes Merchant of Ve nice, he is ready to present a more dignified Moor (Orin167).

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Coffee Crisis Essay Example for Free

The Coffee Crisis Essay Introduction In 2011, Diego Comin, Associate Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, revised his 2009 case study on the Great Moderation (reproduced by permission for Capella University, 2011). The case explores whether or not the Great Moderation, defined by investopedia. com as â€Å"the period of decreased macroeconomic volatility experienced in the United States since the 1980’s [during which] the standard deviation of quarterly real GDP declined by half, and the standard deviation of inflation declined by two-thirds (para.1)† is still in effect. This paper will use evidence from research in a draft by Pancrazi and Vukotic (2011) that proposes â€Å"macroeconomic variables in the last thirty years have not only experienced a reduction in their overall volatility, but also an increase in their persistence (p. 2). † The 2011 research paper also purports that â€Å"by using a New-Keynesian macroeconomic model the responsiveness of output variance to changes in the monetary policy decreases with an increase in the persistence of technology (p. 2). † The result, according to Pancrazi and Vukotic, is an â€Å"overestimate† of the monetary influence and authority to â€Å"smooth out the real economic dynamics (p. 2). † The Great Moderation and the The Great Recession. Comin, in â€Å"The Great Moderation, Dead or Alive? † (Capella, 2011), quotes Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve: reduced macroeconomic volatility has numerous benefits. Lower volatility of inflation improves market functioning, makes economic planning easier, and reduces the resources devoted to hedging inflation risks. Lower volatility of output tends to imply more stable employment and a reduction in the extent of economic uncertainty confronting households and firms. The reduction in the volatility of output is also closely associated with the fact that recessions have become less frequent and less severe (p. 17). † Comin points out that these conditions existed until the Great Recession of 2007 when the U. S. and other countries experienced the longest period of recession and â€Å" the largest GDP contraction in the U. S. since the Great Depression (p. 17). In â€Å"Overlooking the Great Moderation, Consequences for the Monetary Policy† (2011), the researchers hypothesize that the â€Å"Great Moderation might have been fertile ground for the recent recession (p. 3), in that technology caused an â€Å"increased persistence in the macroeconomic variables (p. 4). † Macroeconomic Observations. To summarize Comin’s (2011) account of macroeconomic activity in the U. S between 1930 and 2010, when observing the GDP during this period, he says, â€Å"it is clear that since around 1984 it has been harder to observe large deviations from the average growth rate (p.17). † When examining other macroeconomic variables, Comin says that hours worked, consumption, investment, labor productivity, and total factor productivity (TFP), have, for the most part, â€Å"experienced stabilization by roughly the same magnitude, [where] the stock market has not stabilized significantly. If anything, it has become more volatile over the last few decades (p. 18). † Pancrazi and Vukotic focus their research on â€Å"studying the behavior of the total factor productivity (TFP) before and after the Great Moderation (p.4)†¦[by] using a basic New-Keynesian model featuring imperfect completion and price stickiness, [to ascertain] whether a change in the persistence of TFP affects the responsiveness of the real variables to the monetary policy (p. 6). † Their observations include an examination of the stability of TFP and an assessment that â€Å"a higher Microeconomic impact of the coffee crisis. The case study conveys that â€Å"coffee was the main source of income for roughly 25 million farmers, mostly small land holders, in Latin America, Africa, and Asia (p.1). † The coffee crisis created immense hardship for these small producers; â€Å"in some countries, farmers had been forced to take their children out of school and put them to work (p. 1). † One of the consequences of the coffee crisis that was less publicized was how larger farms and their workers were devastated. Large farms generally do not use non-cash family workers, like many of the smaller farmers do; as a result of the crisis, many workers were laid off, subsequently putting larger farms completely out of business. (Price, 2003) Where some producers chose to get out of the coffee business and venture into unknown territory with a new crop, others either attempted to break into the coffee â€Å"niche† market or decrease their outputs. (Line Tickell, 2003) In the ICO report on the impact the coffee crisis has had on poverty, the socio-economic impact reported by the respondent countries is filled with narratives that describe families and farmers who worked in the coffee industry unable to pay for medicine, food, and other essentials. Families are also reported to have migrated to cities, where there is typically no work for skilled farmers; some countries report that workers have migrated leaving their families behind. (Osorio, 2003) Solutions for long term sustainability. The case study presents an outline of solutions recommended by the ICO, Technoserve (as reported to the Inter-American Development Bank) and Oxfam. â€Å"The Coffee Crisis† states that, according to Oxfam, â€Å"the long run solution†¦was a commitment to ‘fair trade’†¦ a system in which a buyer in the first world agrees to pay third-world producers enough to support a decent living (p.5). † Oxfam says that â€Å"the fair trade movement was designed to provide an assured income and other benefits to the farmers associated with it (Line Tickell, 2003, p. 8). † Technoserve believes the following â€Å"three areas offer the highest potential for sustainable impact: 1. Increasing coffee consumption in producer countries and emerging market countries; 2. Assisting unprofitable producers of high-quality Arabica to move into higher-priced specialty coffees; and 3. Helping regions with a high concentration of marginal coffee producers who cannot differentiate their product or compete on price to diversify into other products and industries (para. 15 16). † In June, 2004, Nestor Osorio of the ICO presented to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) a report titled: â€Å"Lessons Learned from the Coffee Crisis: A Serious Problem for Sustainable Development. † In it he outlines the economic strategies he believed would prevent a future crisis and assist coffee producer toward long-term sustainability. Two proposed policies address the supply-demand problem: 1. To use the experience of the coffee crisis to create awareness – best achieved through the ICO – in national and international bodies of the danger of embarking on any projects or programmes (sic) which will further increase supply; and 2. Working to increase the benefits accruing from value-added products rather than traditional bulk commodity exports. Osorio recognizes the importance of â€Å"the need for market development to increase demand (p. 5)† also. He says that projects intended to benefit the supply chain should include actions from farmer to consumer, as well as farmer to exporter. These include: 1. â€Å"Support for the ICO’s Quality-Improvement Programme as a means of improving consumer appreciation and consumption of coffee; 2. Action to increase consumption in coffee-producing countries themselves, which should have a number of positive effects such as providing an alternative market outlet, increasing producer awareness of consumer preferences, stimulation of small and medium enterprises, etc. as well as acting to increase demand; 3. Action to enhance knowledge and appreciation of coffee in large emerging markets such as Russia and China, following the successful ICO campaigns in the 1990s; and 4. Protecting consumption levels in traditional markets through quality maintenance, development of niche markets and dissemination of positive information on the health benefits of coffee consumption. (p. 5-6). † Conclusion The coffee market has been described as an â€Å"imperfect market; a market that in recent years has failed – both in human and economic terms (Lines Tickell, 2003, p. 8). † The coffee crisis illuminated the impact the market had on international trade, national economies, businesses and families many in underdeveloped, low income countries. Because the regions where coffee can be grown are also many times third-world or repressed countries, coffee production is considered a humanitarian concern as well as an economic issue. Where an organization like Technoserve may lean toward business partnership solutions for the coffee industry, and Oxfam may concentrate on the humanitarian perspective, the International Coffee Organization appears to have taken a balanced approach in presenting the plight of coffee producers from both altruistic and economic perspectives. Where it is understood that many depressed areas and nations depend on coffee crops for sustenance, the ICO has taken a stand that the lessons learned from the coffee crisis must be solved with the tenets of economics, coupled with social responsibility, if families, farms, businesses and coffee-producing nations are going to achieve long-term sustainability. References Capella University. (Eds. ). (2011). MBA6008: Global Economic Environment. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Lines, T. , Tickell, S. (2003, May 1). Walk the Talk, Oxfam International Briefing Paper, May, 2003. Oxfam International | Working together to find lasting solutions to poverty and injustice. Retrieved May 5, 2012, from www. oxfam. org/sites/www. oxfam. org/files/walk. pdf Osorio, N. (2002). ICO. org Documents/Global Crisis. International Coffee Organization. Retrieved May 4, 2012, from dev. ico. org/documents/globalcrisise. pdf Osorio, N. (2003). ICO. org Documents/G-8. International Coffee Organization. Retrieved May 4, 2012, from dev. ico. org/documents/g8e. pdf Osorio, N. (2004). ICO. org Documents/UNCTAD. International Coffee Organization. Retrieved May 4, 2012, from dev. ico. org/documents/UNCTAD. pdf Prince, M. (2003, December 3). CoffeeGeek Coffee Crisis:TechnoServe Releases Fact-Based Industry Analysis. CoffeeGeek News, Reviews, Opinion and Community for Coffee and Espresso. Retrieved May 5, 2012, from http://coffeegeek. com/resources/pressreleases/technoservedec42003.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Establishing and adjusting the marketing mix

Establishing and adjusting the marketing mix Toyota Australia is the leading car manufacturer in Australia having a market share of 21% beating it competitors. The company has grown and developed from its establishment from Japan in 1937. Toyota Australia marketing mix followed the 4Ps in establishing a brand that is renowned for its quality, innovation and services. They offered a wide range of vehicles which targeted the 30s to 40s age bracket and attempting to break into the gen y market. There price reflected the services and quality of manufacturing the vehicles, and the also offered consumers choice to add features. They mainly promote their brand through television, newspapers and by being a sponsor of reality shows and sporting events. They are internationally recognised and have made their mark in the marketplace Introduction Scope The following is a marketing mix review and recommendations report on the worlds largest car manufacturer Toyota. The report will outline the fundamental elements of Toyotas marketing mix, and also recommendations will be made on how to improve on each marketing mix element of the organisation. Background Toyota Motor Corporation established in 1937, is the biggest car manufacturers in the world, with its factories spanning over various countries. It is one of the worlds most successful and most profitable car manufacturers. Australia has one of the smallest and oldest car industries in the world and has played an important role in the success and development of Toyota over the past 50 years. The first Toyota vehicles where imported to Australia in 1958 by a mining, construction and services company called Thiess, who imported 13 Landcruisers a model of 4WD, which they used for the Snowy Mountains Hydro-electric scheme. They also began to sell the Landcruiser vehicles in 1959. In 1963 an assembling factory in Melbourne called Australian Motor Industries was established and produce the first lot of Toyota corolla and corona cars. They began to be commercially available in 1971 through Thiess Toyota who became commercial leaders in 1979. Then in 1988 the two companies merged to create the Toyota Motor Corporation Australia, which began a global competiveness and established an important export market. In 1994 the Toyota Altona Assembly Plant is opened and the Toyota corolla is the first car to be built in the plant. Vision Toyotas vision is to become the most respected and admired company, in the car industry Mission Their mission is to deliver high quality automotive products and services to their customers, and being actively involved with the community, partners and environment. Methodology Various methods were used to conduct the review of Toyotas marketing mix. One of the methods used was conducting a survey, to find out what the public had in mind when it came to Toyota. These were handed out to random people passing by, and were asked to complete the survey anonymously. They were basic questions that required a bit of thinking from each individual as how they perceive Toyota as a brand. The survey contained a perceptual map which each person was ask to plot where they think a certain car brand fits. The other methods that were used to gather research, was using online resources such as the Toyota website to get a better understanding of the companys direction and the range of products that they offered. The website was very insightful and was clear and easy to navigate, and was very informative. Also the Australian Bureau of Statistics was used to gather information on sales and market share of all the major car companies in comparison to Toyota. This provided factual statistics and information that was very relevant in determining how Toyota fits in to Australias car industry and market. Results Findings Untitled.jpg . Perceptual Map of Car brands comparisons on Reliability vs. Durability The sample result from the survey shows the perceptual map of how consumers compared Toyota and other brand of cars when it came to reliability and durability. The outcome of where Toyota is placed in the map is very high on its reliability and durability. Toyotas market strategy is to sell a top quality product that lasts. This grabs the consumers attention when their looking to buy a car that is reliable and durable. Marketplace Toyota Motor Corporation is the largest vehicle manufacturer in the world. Toyota co-operates with 51 manufacturing companies in 26 nations, and sells its vehicles in over 170 countries under the Toyota, Lexus, Hino and Daihatsu brands. Toyota leads the automotive industry in environmental technologies with their new innovative hybrid technology in their Prius and Hybrid Camry vehicles. They are also looking into the development of Fuel cell technology for future vehicles. Toyota has in recent years dominant the Australian car market, with a market share around 21 percent (Fig.2) and is steadily rising with predictions that it might reach 25 percent by 2012. Toyota Australia has remained the number one brand for selling more vehicles than any other single car brand in the industry for more than 14 years. Toyotas Market Share Toyota has dealerships across Australia that sells their range of vehicles from cars, SUVs, trucks and hybrids. They have established a well know brand that people associated thing such as quality, durability, reliability, innovation, safety, and sustainability. There brand revolves around keeping a high standard to ensure that the customer receive the highest quality product and service which keep them loyal to the brand. Toyotas four core values: Customer first Respect for people International focus Continuous improvement and innovation. Target Audience Toyota covers a wide market sector that caters for families with its range of sedans to other vehicles such as four wheel drives, sports cars, luxury vehicles and small hatchbacks and buses. The age demographic that Toyota mainly targets are early 30s to mid 50 year old consumers. Toyota aims to target all possible sectors and just recently cracked into the large car market with their Toyota Aurion sedan. This was marketed to large families and was proved successful after taking the title of best large car of the year in 2009 by Australian consumers. Toyotas latest marketing attempt was to target the generation y sector with a new small car called Rukus, which Toyota calmed that it will appeal to the young consumers. Its boxy shape and edgy urban styling are anything but boring, so youll never blend in. As described in the Toyota website, claiming that to be different is an important factor when it comes to marketing to the gen y consumers. They are also targeting the environmental conscious consumers, who want to do their part in reducing their impact on the environment by limiting CO2 emissions. Toyota developed an advance hybrid technology which it has implemented in two of its vehicles the Prius and Camry. The hybrid technology combines fuel and electricity to power the engine. Toyota strives to become the leader in innovation of new vehicle technologies. Toyotas Marketing Mix Elements 4 Ps Toyotas marketing mix consists of the 4 Ps which make up the basis of Toyotas overall market strategy. The 4 Ps stand for; Product Price Promotion Place Product A good product can be self marketed when it benefits the consumer demand. When marketing a product, it must differentiate to what a competitor is offering by features, design packaging, services, warranties, safety and environmental impact. Toyota offers a wide range of products that meet the demands of the consumer while being different to the other car brands on the market. There product range is segmented into four areas each meeting the needs of what a consumer is looking for in a vehicle. Toyotas product market contains the following Passenger consisting of small, mid size, and large cars. Aurion, Camry, Corolla, Rukus, Tarago, Yaris. 4WD SUVs Kluger, Landcruiser 200, Prado, Rav4 Commercial Coaster, HiAce, HiLux, Landcruiser 70 Hybrid Camry, Prius Toyota offers with its products after sales services, such as Toyota Service Advantage which includes capped price servicing, specialist technicians, and genuine parts. They also offer financing at a low rate so that consumers are able to have the product sooner. Price The prices set for products plays a major role in its marketability. The pricing of vehicles in Toyota depends on what the consumer wants to include in their vehicle. They set a base price which then increases if a consumer wants to modify or add options such as metallic paint, wheels, body kits or extended service warranty. This gives the consumer more choice and flexibility as to how they want their vehicle to be when they purchase it. The price of vehicles in the range can start from $18,990 to a more premium price of $80,000 or more dependent on the make, model and add options. The pricing of Toyota vehicles are higher in some areas in comparison to its competitors, but its main selling point is that they sell you a top quality product with great service and parts, that is also reliable and has the highest safety standards. Promotion Promotion is way of communicate to consumers and grabbing their attention to make a sale. This usually involves three ways of effective promoting through advertising, public relations, and sales promotion. Toyota uses various methods when it comes to promotion, advertising through television, radio, internet, newspapers, billboards, yellow pages, flyers, brochures and word of mouth. They keep reiterating that they are a car company that provide quality, durability, reliability, innovation, safety, and sustainability. Toyota over the years uses catchy slogans to draw attention to their brand. When a person hears oh what a feeling! they directly associate it to the Toyota brand, and recall the television ad of a person jumping and freezing in mid air. This is the most recognised slogan in advertising which they have used since the 1980s in Australia. Toyota teamed up with a renovation show called The Block in promoting their new model Yaris. This is seen as a smart promotional strategy as they are sponsoring a popular show; in turn this extends Toyotas reach to their audience. They also offer a chance to win a new car which also makes the consumer want the product more by enticing them that they have a chance of winning. Place Distribution or place is a very crucial element of the marketing mix as the main thing that must be addressed is how we reach the consumers. Toyota sells its vehicles through its dealerships across Australia. Sales are mainly made to public consumers on a one on one basis with their selling staff. Toyota has also established distribution channels overseas with more than half the vehicle manufactured in Australia being export to regions such as the Middle East. The availability of Toyota vehicles has become very easy to all consumers in Australia and overseas. The internet has also opened a major channel as consumers are able to inspect, enquiry and purchase a vehicle without leaving their home. SWOT Analysis Strength Weakness Market leader with 21% market share Strong brand image Customer loyalty Car manufacturing leader Quality issues (due to recalls) Production capacity Pricing Opportunities Threats Producing more environmentally friendly vehicles Targeting the younger demographic Product recalls Rising oil prices Production costs Downturn in economy Limitations The report presented many limitations, which interrupt some of the methods such as the collection of data and research. The follow issues where faced while doing the report Information when it can to investigating Toyotas marketing strategies as a whole the information was limited and inaccessible. Interpretations had to be made based upon the limited information that was provided, and observation. Survey Surveys proved to be a challenge as people were not interested or willing to take part in the survey. Analysis as there was lack of marketing information available about Toyota, secondary sources of information had to be used which could prove to be inaccurate Recommendations The recommendations that Toyota may apply to improve their marketing mix can be drawn upon in the follow; Product When it comes to Toyotas product range they are missing key markets that other car brands have successfully achieved, such as introducing a wider range of large cars for large families, also target young consumers who are able to afford a Toyota vehicle they should start with mid 20s then work their way down the age bracket as teens might not find Toyota affordable which puts then off the brand. Toyota should also expand their hybrid technology to the smaller cars which has not been done yet. Price when it comes to affordability Toyota misses the mark, even though it thrives on quality and services the price seems to be inflated and is further inflated when a consumer wants to add a certain feature. I recommend that they offer a bundle or package deal such as free insurance for a year or free fuel to make the purchase seem worth it. Promotion Toyota should start advertising on social networks if it is to target the young age bracket. Also making ads that will appeal to the young generation but without losing all identity of Toyota. Coming up with a new catchy slogan to get the consumers involved. Offering more sales, discounts and offers that benefit the consumer, starting a loyalty program for the customers, keeping them informed. Place Toyota has positioned its self in the number one spot, to continue being a market leader they must improve their distribution channels such as the dealerships which are located in areas of low income earners, and retirees which decreases sales. Conclusion Drawing upon all the research and results, Toyota has built an industry which people associated quality, durability, reliability, innovation, safety, and sustainability. They have established themself as Australias leading car brand with their wide range of vehicles that suit any consumer. There pricing is somewhat high but its a reflection of the quality and service they provide. Toyota has become an internationally recognised brand that thrives on customer satisfaction and loyalty. The further development of becoming a sustainable car manufacturer, appeals to the public as they are showing their commitment in sustaining the global environment. They are yet to develop a successful marketing strategy when it comes to appealing to the younger consumers. Appendix Survey Structure Toyota Australia Survey Age: Gender: For each item identified below, circle the number to the right that best fits your judgment of its quality. Use the scale above to select the quality number. Description/Identification of Survey Item Scale Strongly Agree Neither Strongly Disagree Toyota is a brand that you can trust 1 2 3 4 Toyota is a brand that is reliable 1 2 3 4 Toyota is seen as innovative 1 2 3 4 Toyota products are affordable 1 2 3 4 Toyota cares about the environment (sustainability) 1 2 3 4 The offer a large range of vehicles 1 2 3 4 Easily identified from other brand 1 2 3 4 is appealing, fresh and vibrant 1 2 3 4 fulfils the consumers needs 1 2 3 4 makes you want to own a vehicle 1 2 3 4 offer flexibility and options 1 2 3 4 Toyota is customer focused 1 2 3 4

Thursday, October 24, 2019

George Sugarman a sculpture :: Essays Papers

George Sugarman a sculpture Best known today for his public art, George Sugarman began his career with formally eccentric painted-wood sculptures. In a revelatory New York exhibition, early pieces were shown alongside the 86-year-old artist's more recent aluminum work. In the course of 1998, there were a number of important sculpture exhibitions in New York galleries and museums, including the Museum of Modern Art's Tony Smith retrospective, Dia's presentation of Richard Serra's Torqued Ellipses, and a group of David Smith's late painted-steel works at Gagosian Gallery. For me, however, the most impressive and thought-provoking sculpture show of the year was a concise survey of George Sugarman's work presented by Hunter College at the galleries in its Fine Arts Building on Manhattan's West 41st Street. Bringing together 16 sculptures made between 1958 and 1995, the exhibition allowed viewers to trace Sugarman's career from his carved-wood works of the late 1950s to his polychrome, laminated-wood pieces of the 1960s to the painted-aluminum work that has occupied him since the early 1970s. While the show did not cover Sugarman's extensive activity in the public-art realm--over the last 30 years he has created large-scale public sculptures throughout the U.S. as well as in Europe and Asia--it was an effective presentation of his "indoor" work. (Sugarman has drawn a useful distinction between what he calls the "indoor eye," a museum- and gallery-oriented esthetic vision which perceives the work of art in isolation from its surroundings, and the "outdoor eye," which allows us to view public art as part of a wider environment.) Thanks to the presence of major, rarely seen works such as Two in One (1966) and Ten (1968), the show was a welcome reminder of Sugarman's unique and indispensable contribution to postwar sculpture. One of the earliest works on view was Six Forms in Pine (1959), a carved-wood sculpture which brought Sugarman his first major recognition when it won a prize at the 1961 Carnegie International. Among the last of his unpainted works, it's a nearly 12-foot long, smoothly flowing concatenation of horizontal abstract forms that rests on two pedestals set several feet apart. Rippling patterns of chisel marks are visible across every surface as are the strata of the laminated wood. The forms, which range from gently swelling, landscape-like shapes to more sharply defined volumes that evoke architecture or hand tools, are clearly differentiated within the continuous overall structure. While the carving technique and biomorphism relate Six Forms in Pine to established sculptural styles of the 1950s, the sculpture also possesses properties which presage Sugarman's innovative work of the next decade.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Human Behavior and Environment Essay

1. Every person we come into contact with on a daily basis is able to teach us a little something about life. You just have to be open to learning. This particular counselor who was introduced to Steve for whatever cosmic reason, but left the encounter more knowledgeable about the human condition than when initially introduced. At first glance and without knowing any background on Steve the counselor could have just chalked Steve up as a special needs student who in no way was going to succeed being away from home. The councilor however took time out and got to know his student and found all the triumphs that he had been faced with and had overcome throughout the years. The counselor was able to determine that this student was in no way going to give up and fall between the cracks due to a series of unfortunate events. Every child I come in contact with on a daily basis has their own story, many of which are heart wrenching or unnerving, but yet many persevere and will become productive members of society because someone along the way has showed that they care. 2. Steve was able to benefit just as much as the counselor through this interaction. He was able to persevere and complete his education. All that Steve needed was for someone else to also see the end of the tunnel as well as he saw it. Having someone on the same page and able to stand with you through your goals is beneficial to all those involved not just the single individual with the goal. I think the biggest push anyone could ever get is having someone who does not know you say â€Å"you can’t do that†; it provides all the more motivation to prove them wrong. According to the National Organization of Human Services (NOHS), a code of ethics is an explicit statement of the values, principles, and the rules of a profession, regulating the conduct of its members† (Barker, 2001, p. 84) There are two statements found in the NOHS though that best summarize this code and make it applicable to the field in which I am currently surrounded by. STATEMENT 45 Human service educators demonstrate full commitment to their appointed responsibilities, and are enthusiastic about and encouraging of students’ learning. STATEMENT 46 Human service educators model the personal attributes, values and skills of the human service professional, including but not limited to, the willingness to seek and respond to feedback from students. In reading Steve’s journey on the Hero’s Path there is an identifiable moment that relates to my current position that I have been witness to and assisted with. As a guidance secretary for a public school I have seen man types of students walk through our door. Our most recent students who have come in search of a chance to blend in with a traditional student body are two students who found themselves being best friends despite each other’s complex issues. One is an overweight 16 year old and suffers from Prader-Willi Syndrome and sneaks food from our cafeteria any chance he gets. The other a 17 year old was born with malformation of the mouth and hands. Both are part of our special education program. Because of their outward appearances, both are shunned by the other student, which has had very little effect on them. To assist them in this effort of blending in our Administrative Resource Teacher, who is popular and liked by the student body because of her understanding and helpful nature has essentially deputized these two during our busiest lunch period. In order to keep the child with Prader-Willi from stealing uneaten food and his friend from stealing anything for him, they eat their lunch and when they are done, are placed on crime watch patrol around the perimeter of the school, with our ART. The child with Prader-Willi gets exercise and it removes him from tempting treats left behind by students such as milk and chips. Both also get the satisfaction of knowing that despite their abnormalities they are regular students. During pep assemblies when the excited student body is a little overwhelming, these students also know that my office is a safe haven for them. They know that they must do work alphabetizing or organizing but they each have a task. I’ve heard many of our administrators repeat this saying time and time again â€Å"you need to know our students, in order to teacher them†, the same applies in any interaction with them. Students don’t just learn in the four walls of a classroom, they learn in every kind of environment. If you make that environment one in which they are comfortable students will return time after time to seek your guidance and model attributes they found and have seen demonstrated. References Halstead, Richard A. (2000, January). From tragedy to triumph: counselor as companion on the hero’s journey. Counseling & Values, 44(2), 100. http://www. nationalhumanservices. org/ethical-standards-for-hs-professionals.